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Harris® RG-60 Solid Wire Oxy-Fuel Welding Rod is a high strength, bright finish, steel welding rod that uses a neutral flame. Welding rod measures 5/32" x 36" and comes in a 50 lb box. Welding rod does not use flux, but puddling of molten weld metal will bring impurities to the surface. Welding rod is ideally recommended for gas or TIG welding plate, sheet, pipe, castings or structural shapes. Welding rod produces welds of a higher tensile strength than RG45. Welding rod meets AWS A5.2-60 standards.
Use a neutral flame, however, a very slight excess of acetylene assures the absence of an oxidizing flame which adversely influences weld quality
Flux is not needed, but "puddling" of the molten weld metal will bring any scale or impurities to the surface
AWS A5.2, R60
Gas or TIG welding of plate, sheet, pipe, castings or structural shapes.
May cause eye, skin and respiratory tract irritation
Toxic: danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure through inhalation