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Access all the information you need to choose the right MIG wire
Horizontal Fillet Weld
Square Groove Butt Joint
"V" Groove Butt Joint
Spooled Wired Application Guide
Suggested Airgas Shielding Gases
Small Machines – Mild Steel Applications
Argon/CO2 mix 75/25 industrial grade
Available in various cylinder sizes
Only available in size 300 cylinders
Mid-size Machines – Mild Steel Applications
Argon/CO2 mix 75/25
Various size cylinders
Will allow short circuit transfer only
Only available in size 300 cylinders
Will allow short circuit and spray transfer
Only available in size 300 cylinders
Mid-size Machines – Stainless Steel Applications
ARCAL M12 He35
Will allow short circuit and spray transfer
Only available in size 300 cylinders
ARCAL Chrome
Mid-size Machines – Aluminum Applications
Argon industrial grade
For all thickness below ¼″
Available in various cylinder sizes
For all thickness above ¼″
Only available in size 300 cylinders
For all thickness above ¼″
Only available in size 300 cylinders
ARCAL shielding gases are equipped with either SMARTOP™ or EXELTOP™
Welding Wire/Method Recommendations
Aluminum MIG Welding: Five Things to Consider
The best feeding of wire for aluminum is done with a spool gun. If you can’t use a spool gun, use the shortest gun possible and keep the gun as straight as possible. Use argon only for shielding gas. Only use a push gun technique when welding aluminum.
If you are having feeding problems, one thing you can try is a contact tip that is one size bigger than your wire.
The most common wire type is ER4043 for all-purpose work. ER5356 is a stiffer wire (easier to feed), and is used when more rigid, higher-strength weld properties are needed.
Clean the aluminum before welding, to help remove the oxide layer. Use a stainless steel wire brush used only for cleaning aluminum.
Fill the crater at the end of the weld to avoid a crack. One way to do this is to dwell in the weld pool for a second at the end of the weld.
Typical Operating Procedures for Filler and Lap Welding – Aluminum