Since it’s extremely important to recognize that the contents of the Certificate of Analysis and sidewall label provided with each EPA protocol gas cylinder directly impact compliance, we have outlined below all the necessary components that you should demand to be included with your COA.
The Certificate of Analysis that accompanies any Airgas EPA protocol gas is frequently reviewed by local, state and EPA air quality enforcement personnel to ensure it meets current and mandatory requirements. Additionally, the Airgas SRVS app is designed to help eliminate human error when reporting your cylinder data. Our technology continues to advance to make certificate data management more automated and error-free, and ultimately easier for your team.
A quick check of your COA can save you fines and aggravation. The following are the minimum requirements for information on a COA for an EPA protocol gas.
As required by EPA Traceability Protocol Assay and Certification of Gaseous Calibration Standards (EPA 600/R-12/531 May 2012) documentation.
In some cases, state and local air agencies can ask for more information on a Certificate of Analysis.
Talk to an Airgas specialist about achieving cleaner air, regulatory compliance and more.
Talk to an Airgas specialist about achieving cleaner air, regulatory compliance and more.